Last weekend was the first edition of the Noir et Blanc show in Brussels. Naturally, Alpha Audio was also there to take a look around. Your author was also allowed to give a talk on a typical “Alpha subject,” namely streaming audio networking. Colleague Hans Beekhuyzen complemented it with a lecture on digital audio. Especially interesting!
To get right to the point: for a first edition, Noir et Blanc felt like a mature show. The demos were up to par, the catering was up to par, there was plenty of parking and plenty for visitors to see. From entry-level systems to very high-end high-end systems. In short: an interesting and enjoyable show to visit!
Short rounds
Now, your author was able to do some laps between presentations and talks. That’s not enough to make a concrete judgment or visit everything in detail, but it does give an idea of atmosphere.
Now we are not going to report on the various room here because, as mentioned, we were by no means able to listen to everything. We tasted more atmosphere and chatted a bit. However, we were able to take some pictures of most of the rooms. Some doors were closed for a demo, so for example Yamaha we were not able to take pictures, unfortunately.
Now we know that Noir et Blanc has booked for three years at the Blue Point conference center in Brussels. So we get two more editions anyway. We are eager to see how this show will find a place in the market to grow into an interesting, beautifully curated and well-attended show!