Saturday, March 1, 2025
Home Hi-Fi Accessories GIK releases black Gotham diffuser

GIK releases black Gotham diffuser

GIK releases black Gotham diffuser

GIK Acoustics has released a black version of its Gotham diffuser, which is also available for the European market.

The new colour version: black, is immediately available for the GIK Gotham N23 Quadratic Diffusor; the official name of this thing. A diffuser is meant to scatter sound along the horizontal and vertical plane. A two-dimensional system. This scattering should create a wider sound image and a ‘bigger sounding’ room. Now, most diffusers have a practical problem: they consist of randomly placed cubes (made of wood, for example) that have been placed without any calculation. This leads to something that certainly cannot be considered as real scattering.


GIK has tackled the problem differently with its Gotham diffuser. It has been calculated in depth and each block has been sawn by machine with an accuracy of 0.2 mm. If a single panel is not enough, multiple panels can be connected as desired. The black version costs £150. There is also a natural version available that is (temporarily?) reduced to £125.

It’s worth a try if your listening room doesn’t sound optimal, or feels compact in terms of sound image. On the website of GIK, we cannot find anything. You should take a look at this post from Hifi Pig.
