IFi’s DACs are excellent value for money, and that is especially true of the new Uno.
Let’s start with the price of that iFi UNO: for just $79, it’s yours. Remarkably, despite the low price, the manufacturer has not skimped on the quality of its internals. First of all, the ESS Sabre DAC chip is the beating heart of the UNO, but jitter suppression and a special clock circuit from iFi are also implemented. All this together should ensure ‘extremely low distortion, excellent clarity and impressive dynamic range’. Hires audio is of course supported, to be precise PCM up to 32-bit / 384 kHz, DSD256 and MQA.
Furthermore, in addition to a stereo RCA line output, a 3.5 mm headphone jack is provided, including switchable gain in 6 db steps. Three eqaulizer presets are available for lovers of this; the UNO will be available from the end of this month (but at the time of writing not yet available on the manufacturer‘s website). A perfect upgrade for computer sound, for example!