The Technics SL-1300G is a new addition to their ‘Grand Class’ series of turntables, and possibly a great addition for you as well.
Technics is keen to tap into the vinyl revival that has captivated part of the population, and they’re doing so with the brand-new Technics SL-1300G. This turntable comes from their Grand Class line, which already sets high expectations. The SL-1300G is a direct-drive turntable, where the motor control is handled by a Delta Sigma Drive. This technology is designed to feed a perfect sine wave signal to the coreless motor, which, according to the manufacturer, ensures very high rotational stability and minimal motor vibrations. If this sounds familiar to you, it might be because this motor control was already used in the SL-1200GR2 but has now been further optimized.
Robust Platter
Compared to the previously mentioned SL-1200GR, the platter has been redesigned and built as a sandwich construction. The base is made of die-cast aluminum, topped with 2 mm of extremely strong brass. In the Technics SL-1300G, the power supply unit has also been improved. This switching unit now includes a specially designed noise filter, which ensures a whisper-quiet and clean power delivery. The turntable also features the well-known S-shaped tonearm. Finally, it’s worth noting that the packaging has been carefully designed with reduced use of Styrofoam, thanks to some clever calculations.
The Technics SL-1300G comes with a price tag of €2999, and you can choose between silver or black. It will be available starting in October this year.