To end this story with another analogy: would we accept tap water to enter our homes without proper filtering but instead bearing the taste of the stuff our neighbours happen to be drinking? And even in our home the tap water has a coffee-taste if we put on the coffee machine? Yuk.
Is this report of a factory visit that turned out to be a factory visit but differently, an objective one? No, it is subjective and I have tried to describe what happened. We were both tired of airport and plane hassle and not really in the mood for music. Yet, we listened to it for hours.
Is this article a coloured point of view? You bet it is. If it were not, I could be ready in 200 words instead of the 3.000 this article is almost touching.
Am I a copywriter of IsoTek? No, I am not. But I hope you will understand that I am more than convinced of the contribution IsoTek is making to the quest of making more and more people enjoy music in its purest form. Keith Martin: “Don’t live to retire. Dance while the music is still playing.”