dinsdag, maart 4, 2025
Home Geen categorie Siltech SAGA versterker

Siltech SAGA versterker

Siltech SAGA versterker

NIEUWS – Het komt niet vaak voor: Siltech die een nieuwe versterker introduceert. Maar doorgaans geldt: als ze het doen, doen ze het goed. De SAGA is een compleet nieuw ontwerp. Een ontwerp dat zorgt voor meer dynamiek, rust, detaillering, etc.

Siltech introduceert de SAGA op de High End beurs in Munchen. Daar zal hij te horen zijn in kamer E213.


Hieronder het persbericht van Siltech:

SAGA is a complete rethink of the amplifier concept with the goal to make an amplifier as good as Siltech?s top cables. This led to a totally new amplifier concept called SAGA, Structural Amplifier Gain Architecture.

The already introduced C1 battery powered valve control amplifier will be joined by the V1 and the P1. These together form – kind of -the SAGA equivalent of a regular power amplifier. The C1/V1/P1 combination offers a dynamic range that is close to that of our cables. This was largely achieved by evaluating and consequently improving the gain structure. But also by using battery power supplies, the best components, feedback-less design and very sturdy chassis. The SAGA concept increases the dynamic range by 10 dB or more therefore they are spectacularly absent. They do not ?sound? since they are transparent to even the smallest detail. They are fast without being harsh, open without being overly bright, have a natural pace and rhythm, perfect timing, a stereo image as foreseen in the recording session and the blackest of black background. In a way you could say that the sound quality of the SAGA amplifiers is unheard of and we?re proud of it. The Siltech Saga V1 and P1 will be first shown at High End Munich in room E213.
