Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Home Multitest CD drives – Max 1500 Euro

Multitest CD drives – Max 1500 Euro



Six CD drives. Six different characters. Six different interpretations of the music. Are the differences subtle? Yes and no. The difference between the Roksan Atessa and Atoll DR200 is really big. And between the Audiolab 9000CDT and Tentlabs B Drive too…. And between the NuPrime and Cyrus as well…. Never mind: actually the answer is simply yes: the differences are very audible.

Our advice: borrow a couple of drives. Definitely do not just buy them, because you can really make a difference in your system.

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It was another delightful, varied test. Six drives, six different signatures. It shows - again - that there is more than "1s and 0s'. Although the CD is the same and the signal from the transport to the d/a converter should, in theory, also be the same, they still sound different. That must have to do with jitter and noise. In short: try a few drives before you decide to buy! You will be amazed at the differences.
Type test

