Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Multitest: Seven integrated amplifiers 5000 – 6500 euro

Multitest: Seven integrated amplifiers 5000 – 6500 euro


Price: € 5000 - 6500

Yamaha A-S3000

Old-fashioned… one of those Yamaha amplifiers with VU meters… Or isn’t it? Well, uh… if we have to talk about surprises, the Yamaha in this test is spot on. Man… this thing sounds exactly right. This box makes music! It’s almost like it’s created for the Focals. A love-couple.

From instrument to living room

A big advantage of a brand like Yamaha, is that they know the chain from instrument to living room. Yamaha makes world-class pianos, can be found in many studios and makes high quality audio equipment. So if there’s one manufacturer who can test the sound, it’s Yamaha.

And that’s audible, we think. The A-S3000 has a very neutral and smooth presentation. Perhaps even at the level of the Ayre EX-8. If we listen to the guitar in Adele’s Lovesong, for example, we almost hear the type of string used. That’s how defined and refined the sound of this A-S3000 is. This way of presenting provides a special experience with many of our test tracks. Goosebumps.

However, if we go to something a bit more rough – think of some house music – then we notice that the power of Yamaha doesn’t lie with these electronic genres. Massive Attack is fine by the way, but techno, trance… not really. It’s missing push and ‘torque’ at the bottom-end. Other models in our test perform better there. However, if you like vocal, acoustic or progressive work, this Yamaha is a particularly interesting choice.

Imaging is very precise with the Yamaha A-S3000. We hear a ‘razer-sharp’ Adele in front of us, the effects of Opéra flying around us and perfect voicing in Pariah. Pin point. We look at the notes and we see “high-end aspirations”… Yeah. this A-S3000 does have that. However, don’t forget that you need a high-performing source with ditto cabling. So you’ll be over 10,000 euros in no time if you want to put together a nice stack. Anyway, then you’ve got something special!


This is quite a surprise in our test. We always try to go into a test without prejudice. And that’s very nice and all. But we always have to expect something. And boy, were we wrong about this A-S3000. This is a very musical device. And an amplifier you shouldn’t skip if you’re looking for something in this price range.

Good for those who love Less good for those who love
Involvement and emotion Super grunt and punch
Super tight focusing Sober appearance
Lots of air and 3D Status


Model Yamaha A-S3000
Inputs 2 x balanced, 4x single ended, 1 x phono, 1 x main input (power amplifier mode)
Speaker Terminals 2 sets, spade, banana, loose wire
Headphones Yes
Exits 1 x record, 1 x pre-out
Power 2 x 170 watts at 4 Ohm
Expandable No
Price 4999

Winkels met Hegel

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Steenstraat 54
6828 CM Arnhem, Gelderland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met McIntosh

Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Moon

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Korte Jansstraat 11
3512GM Utrecht, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL

Winkels met NAD

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
St.-Katelijnevest 53
2000 Antwerpen, BE
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Naim

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Hooikade 13
2627 Delft, Zuid Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Laat 29A
1811EB Alkmaar, NL
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Korte Jansstraat 11
3512GM Utrecht, NL
Sikkel 40 F
3274 KK Heinenoord, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL
Koningsstraat 35
2011TC Haarlem, Noord Holland, NL
Spoorstraat 18
7491 CK Delden, Overijssel, NL
Steenstraat 54
6828 CM Arnhem, Gelderland, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Yamaha

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Hooikade 13
2627 Delft, Zuid Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
Stationsweg 87
9471 GM Zuidlaren, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL
Steenstraat 54
6828 CM Arnhem, Gelderland, NL
St.-Katelijnevest 53
2000 Antwerpen, BE
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL