How does Audirvana sound?
The battle against noise
A PC, of course, is not a “clean” environment. Every processor generates high-frequency noise. Whether it’s a “big ass Core i7 or Ryzen 9” or a relatively simple FPGA running a program. All generate noise when they need to get to work. So the trick is to make a system as quiet as possible. And part of that is to eliminate as much as possible of what is not needed.
Now Audirvana explained in our interview that it does a lot to optimize the number of “processes” running in the background within an operating system. So the software does have to disable things in the background – like Fidelizer, for example. However, the system does remain responsive, unlike Fidelizer in “audiophile mode. Then the system is unprecedentedly slow, which can be inconvenient.
Smooth operator
What is immediately noticeable when we switch from Roon to Audirvana is the smoothness of the playback. At least: it all feels much smoother. To come up with a cliché: it feels more analog. And that doesn’t make any sense, of course, but we can’t find any other words to describe the feeling for a moment.
Also, the imagery is just much bigger. There is more air around the music. And that without losing focus. This is something that in fact only the best streamers manage to do. Especially if we also add the wonderful layering.
By the way, it is not that Audirvana is acting like a surgeon: yes … there is more detail audible, but it feels very normal. Partly because the calmness is maintained. And that calmness makes for very pleasant listening. Even with ‘normal’ music. We really played all kinds of things and practically nothing was unpleasant. Crap in stays crap out… you can’t do anything about that. But Audirvana does have a kind of ‘silver lining’ (if that’s the right term for it). I’m sure you understand what we mean.
You will have noticed that we are particularly enamored with Audirvana. The reason is multiple: primarily the playback quality, but also the ease of use, the mature app and the fine search function.
We haven’t talked about the price yet. The “local” Origin version – no Tidal and Qobuz integration – costs 120 Euros (a one-time fee). That will be fine for many. The Studio version does allow Tidal and Qobuz integration, but costs either 6.99 per month or 69.99 per year.
We understand that companies need to survive and that subscriptions provide a form of security. However are not fans of subscriptions with software. It would be nice if Audirvana offered an alternative where redemption is possible.
The Live Stream
Is Audirvana a full-fledged competitor to Roon? Well... yes ... in fact, we think it sounds better. And the search function is better, too. Fact is: Roon has managed to gain a lof of traction in the hifi industry. And the app is, without question, also fantastic. Add Arc to that and Roon does offer a great ecosystem. But purely on playback quality, Audirvana wins. And because of the UPnP compatibility, the possibilities with Audirvana are not bad either! In fact, a lot of streamers soak with both protocols: UPnP as a basis and Roon as a bonus...!We are pleasantly surprised by Audirvana. Both in terms of ease of use and playback. It is extremely mature software that the connoisseur will no doubt appreciate. Big, fat Alpha Approved!