Using a power conditioner?
Initially, the LHY switch was connected to the Audes power conditioner. That wasn’t doable, everything gets magnified. You look right through recordings. You lose the music in the details, it becomes unpleasant to listen to. When using the iFi PowerX or the LHY linear power supply it goes fine, there the effect is even positive.
The LHY linear power supply and iFi were also listened to without using the Audes. The difference between them then remains the same, but the gap compared to the LHY Switch becomes much larger. This leads to the tentative conclusion that the LHY Switch is a huge step forward in sound if you do not use a power conditioner. This has also been tested.
How big is the step with LHY switch in a typical setup?
During the review period, the Rega Elicit Mk5 with internal DAC and the Volumio Primo streamer were available and this amplifier and streamer were used to test what the LHY switch does in a typical setup, as found with many audio enthusiasts.
The Volumio Primo was used as a streamer, connected with an ArtSpeak SPDIF cable to the Rega. The Volumio Primo was connected via Ethernet, and two different switches were used between the router and the Primo for listening.
The standard setup is the simple Cisco switch with an iFi PowerX. Next, listening was done with the LHY switch.
To best approximate the situation in many living rooms, it was chosen for this test to connect all equipment to a standard power strip. The socket is in the wall. By comparing in this way, the impact of the switch can be clearly indicated.
With the LHY switch in the Tindersticks recording it is clear that the sound becomes richer, the reverb longer, the soundstage grows compared to listening with the iFi. In the busy part, everything remains easy to follow, it is literally stacking sound like blocks from a block box.
With Ofeliadorme, there is more calmness, the synthesizers sing around in the soundstage.
On Morphine, the vocals are more forward and the bass is tighter and better defined. The bass doesn’t “swim” as much underneath the other sounds. Sound of the saxophone is nicer and rounder in tone, notes can be heard apart from each other in fast passages.
In Mahler, the flute solo has much more sound, the placement in the concert hall space is unprecedented, you can almost see the dimensions of the hall. This is convincing.
Takes your HiFi setup to the next level
The involvement with the music is greater. The character of the Rega comes across much better. There is more layering in the orchestra and especially more depth. Listening feels more relaxed. You get more detail, but without becoming analytical.
In this setup the choice is obvious: with LHY switch you get more out of your system. The Rega’s DAC releases much more detail and offers a quality you might not expect at its price point. It could be better, of course, but then you’d have to dig pretty deep in your wallet. Especially in the Mahler recording, with a large symphony orchestra and singer, the quietness in the soundstage is a delight.
If you owned the Grimm MU2, what switch would you consider, including associated ethernet cabling? I am leaning toward a dual LHY SW6-SFP set-up in the ethernet/fiber/ethernet configuration. I am going to through the decision making process on the MU2 and want to consider maximizing all the options.
I appreciate your help and the work you do. Thanks
A simple Netgear from our test, used with its own power supply. For a cable a standard copper Cat6 cable costing a few euros. The MU2 is quite resilient against influences from the electrical connection of the Ethernet cable.
Hans Beekhuyzen uses a Network Acoustics eno2 streaming system with the MU2, finding it one of the few devices that actually improves the sound of the MU2.
But in all truth, I would reuse whatever I own already and use right now. Why bother buying something else?
Thank you for the wise and cautious counsel.
LHY or Paul PangQuad?
850 or 2500 euro?
question probably asked a thousand times,
I have the choice of upgrading my system with either a LHY SW-8 switch (replacing a Dlink GS105) or a set of Ricable Magnus Power+XLR cables (replacing HMS Quartetto XLR and Audioquest Z3) for headphone listening (Matrix audio mini i-4, Violectric DHA V590², Hifiman 1000SE).
Which would be the best choice for my system?
Best regard
Hello Jacques. that’s impossible to say. It depends. Let your ears make the decision.
I hav3 the LHY SW-8. And speaking with the engineers
The ocxo clock takes roughly 300 hours to fully run in
I just let music play 24-7,
2 things to mention that gave it a solid added5+% was a decent power cord ,I used the Pangea awg14 sig mk2 , and Hifi tuning supreme 1.25 amp slow blow fuse better then both the Sonore deluxe Ethernet to fiber which imo bleaches the sound
And better then the ether regen both we used a 7 v fared LPS
This is made by Ja yes Audio , streaming now is far better sounding , my brothers Innuos Ethernet switch is far better
And will get one for Xmas ,one mentiin the T+A200 dac exceptional and = or beats dacs at 2x it’s $7200 cost a great dac to look out for.