For whom?
NAIM is often seen and sold as an ecosystem. That’s not bad, because NAIM stubbornly sticks to the DIN plugs. And those who don’t work within the ecosystem can be treated to hum. That’s pretty easy to solve, by the way. But still… something to take into account. By the way, you can switch between floating or default… If you use the single ended outputs, floating is the right choice.
The new ND5 XS2 is an audible step-up from the ND5 XS. There is more calmness, a more pleasant middle area and not to forget: ROON support. We didn’t miss the display that NAIM left out. But that will vary from person to person.
If you are looking for a seriously fine streamer and don’t own a NAIM set, you can of course start with this ND5 XS2. It’s a very fine product for 2850 euros. Who are competitors. We can’t get around Linn. The Majik’s just under there, but he’s a competitor. Ayon has interesting models. Bryston idem. Not to mention: Lumin. Or Lindemann,
You read it. Enough competition. And yet we have a very good feeling with this new, very musical NAIM ND5 XS2. Fine piece of hardware!