Our current reference in this price range is the Audiovector QR1 which is very similar to the Vienna Acoustics Haydn Jubilee. Think speed, transparency and a tight bass. In addition, they are easy to place, close to a back wall, and their AMT tweeter makes them less prone to reflections. But the Vienna Acoustics Haydn Jubilee is even more insightful and has a wider sweet spot. The interaction between the tweeter and driver is seamless and provides speed and energy.
The biggest difference between both speakers, however, is in the bass. The QR1 can seem a bit shy in the lower regions with the wrong amplification. This is not the case with the Haydn Jubilee. Depending on the distance to the rear wall, you can even adjust the end result a bit according to taste. So the Haydn Jubilee is more complete than our QR1 but requires a little more attention when it comes to placement. Both play effortlessly but the Haydn Jubilee wins on points.
For whom
The Vienna Acoustics Haydn Jubilee is a compact monitor that stands out especially in a smaller space. It needs a little space to perform optimally but can be relatively close to the back wall. Because it’s a limited edition it will only be available temporarily so we are looking for a special kind of buyer. If you’re thinking about a small (black) speaker in this price range then you should definitely give this Haydn Jubilee a chance.
You will not only be the proud owner of a limited-edition, we all want to admit that, but you will also get a top brand monitor. In this price range we do not see so many possibilities besides the Audio vector QR1. There is the new Acoustic Energy AE500 (1200 euros) that we would like to test and the Monitor Audio Studio but that’s about it. If the Jubilee is sold out you can always grab a pair of Haynd Grands!