Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Home Video – Multitest – the best amplifier for 2500 euros

Video – Multitest – the best amplifier for 2500 euros


Price: € 2500

The test


We test the amplifiers based on price. We start with the cheapest ones and work our way up. The difference in price between the NAD C388 and the NAIM is no less than 1000 euros. And then the NAD has a dac built in where the NAIM is fully analog. In short: a hefty difference in price. Take this into account when you judge the samples.

We will briefly indicate our findings for each amplifier. This is not an in-depth review; it is a comparative test that we want to keep readable. If you want to know a little more background or would like a little more explanation, we refer you to the video.

NAD C 388

NAD provided us with the NAD C388. This is the most luxurious version in the Classic series. The new M33 that we also have, falls well outside this class. And between the NAD C 388 and the M33 there is not really an integrated amp to be found. The C388 is equipped with MDC expansion slots. So it is possible to add extra connectivity. Think of a BluOS module for streaming (BluOS multiroom and ROON), or HDMI inputs. Handy!

The C388 has Hypex class-D modules (UcD). These deliver 150 watts in 8 and 4 Ohm. Although the dynamic power does go up with lower impedance. That is a maximum of 400 watt in 2 Ohm. Standard we see numerous connections. Both digital and analog. Optical, coaxial, single-ended in, MM Phono, bluetooth (AptX and for app-control) and 2 sets for speaker connections.

The NAD sounds better than we remembered. It just shows that sometimes the ‘audio memory’ is not correct and that it can be dangerous to rely on it. The dynamics of the C 388 is definitely fine. And the control as well. For 1800 euros you get a serious and flexible solution that brings a lot of music. The only thing we miss, is a little is space in the imaging. And some refinement in the middle area. But given the price, that’s no shame at all!

In short: the NAD C 388 is a very flexible solution that can bring a lot of musical pleasure. Attach some neat speakers to it and you have a lot of musical fun.

Yamaha A-S1200

The first step up in price is the Yamaha A-S1200. An amplifier of about 2100 euros. The big difference with the NAD is that this is a pure analog product. No converter, no bluetooth … no expansion slots. Just pure analog inputs (including phono). And of course, cool VU meters and some nice, big buttons… A truly modern Classic.

Musically, this is definitely a step up. An audible step up. We hear a little more richness compared to the NAD. A more complete musical pallet it seems. This combines the Yamaha with an ultrasmooth middle and high area. The same characteristic we hear with the A-S2200 which also has a silky smooth presentation. We like it. And it combines deliciously with the Focal.

For those who like a calm and smooth reproduction with a wonderfully smooth mid- and high frequency area with some natural vocals… ,this will definately be a good choice. The A-S1200 is the starting point. If you are in the need for more power – and therefore a little more foundation at the bottom-end – then an A-S2200 or A-S3200 might fit even better. Without a doubt a beautiful amplifier that we wholeheartedly recommend.

Primare i25

Primare uses the Primare i25 Prisma to create a model based on class-D amplifier technology. But it has its own interpretation. Their class-D is – as often – completely in the analog domain. (Class-D does not stand for Digital!). Primare’s Class-D is super fast and stable. That should bring control and dynamism.

Besides analog inputs, the Primare also offers digital inputs. And even a streamer (UPnP, Chromecast (ROON included) and Airplay). Although the digital board is optional. The streamer is not. So the principle is the same as the NAD which also offers extensions. Please note that the Primare modules are a bit more expensive. Just like the base which costs 2500 euros. In the end, a ‘fully loaded’ i25 will cost around 3500 euros. Still acceptable for a complete all-in-one.

The Primare sounds incredibly good. Very complete, dynamic and fast. A lot of power and punch at the bottom-end. And no harshness in the middle and high frequencies. Vocals even sound very well focused and ‘real’. This can be heard very well with Opéra. It’s impressive how well we can understand what she sings. It’s just goosebumps good.

Compared to the Yamaha, Primare has a bit more ‘push’ in the mid-area. A little more energy. The NAD pushes even more. (It’s a little harsh sometimes), but it lacks the refinement that the Primare does have. All in all a very pleasant amplifier with the necessary energy.

Denon PMA-2500NE

Big but beautiful? The Denon PMA-2500NE is a big machine. An amp with big buttons, lots of connections – digital and analog – and also a lot of ‘balls’. Man: what an energy! So are you looking for even more punch and energy than the Primare can offer? An amplifier with a kind of ‘fun mode’? Well, then the Denon PMA-2500NE is the right partner. Just like our test of amplifiers around 1000 euros where the Denon scored well on ‘fun-mode’, this PMA-2500NE is a party animal. But one with more brilliance and refinement than the PMA-800. The ‘2500’ shows a lot of energy without displaying sharpness.

However, we do notice that the Denon shows a little more restlessness than the previous three amps we listened to. We have set the amplifier in pure analog mode and ‘direct’ mode. So all digital sources are disabled and no equalizer is active. That should be optimal. And yes, it’s really good. But our Focals are critical on a clean midrage. And we hear a bit more restlessness than the NAD, Primare and Yamaha.

All in all, the Denon is a great fun machine. One that with the right speaker – think of a Sonus Faber or a Definitive Technology – can bring a lot of fun.

PrimaLuna EVO100

Time for some tubes. Now at Alpha Audio we rarely have tube amps in our listening room. We have a tube pre-amp. But no power-amps… So honestly… we have little experience with them. This PrimaLuna EVO100 looks very neatly finished. We see two very nice buttons on the front, and under a ‘cage’ some tubes are glowing. The tubes are automatically adjusted – biassed – to compensate for any differences. If it deviates too much, a LED lights up at the tube that needs replacing. Neat. And fool-proof. In other words: even we should be able to work with it. And that says something.

On the back we find – next to the inputs – a set of speaker connections. There’s a choice between 4 and 8 Ohm. We connect to 4 Ohm in this test, as the Focal dips there (3.9 Ohm). That should help the bass a bit in terms of control.

We quickly have the feeling that there is a mismatch with the Focal. We miss some glow, ‘bloom’, low level energy and smoothness.  After the three tracks we decide that we should give this PrimaLuna a second chance in a test where we take more time for matching and also try more speakers. Clearly something is not going well here, so we cannot and should not draw a conclusion. To be continued.

Advance Paris (X-P500 and X-A160)

A purely French approach: bling! Fun! Blue VU meters swinging from side to side and a load of possibilities. Advance is sure to grab the listeners attention!

The Advance Paris X-P500 has both digital and analogue inputs. No streaming is built-in. There is one xlr input. That will be for compatibility, because the design is not symmetrical. For vinyl enthusiasts: there is a switchable phono input (MM/MC) and impedance can be adjusted. Digital can be supplied via optical, coaxial or USB.

Then the power amplifier. There a two settings for amplification in this case. The X-A160 can be set in a high and low bias setting. High bias provides more watts in pure Class-A. You have less power… …but more watts in class-A. Low bias provides more power, but less watts in class-A. Now we thought high-bias would sound better. Boy, we couldn’t be more wrong. In our case – so with the Focal Sopra – high-bias sounds muddy, slow and just bad. Yuck. But wow… if we flip the switch: bam! Energy, openness, control and… music! In short: this is definitely not a dummy switch.

The Advance Paris X-P500 with X-A160 does captivate us. It’s a show-piece. It looks cool, sounds good and offers a lot of connection possibilities. A combination that effortlessly comes along in this test. And just looks cool too!


last but definately not least: the NAIM Nait XS3. Again a pure analog device. This is the new Nait. We first met this one at the NAIM factory. But now we can finally really listen to it.

The Nait XS3 offers phono, several line inputs, a headphone output and the possibility to upgrade with an external power supply. So ‘bare’, the Nait XS3 costs 2800 euros. That’s 300 above the rest of this test-field (on average) and 1000 euros extra than the NAD which also offers digital inputs. Is it worth the step?

Well… that is of course due to the budget. But we can be honest: wow… the NAIM really plays heavinly. What suppleness, authority and ‘magic’ we hear! It really matches sublime on the Focal Sopra. We don’t hear any harshness, a wonderful stereo image and a rhythm to tap you feet on! This is really a step above the Primare and Yamaha. But don’t forget: the NAIM is 700 euro more than the Yamaha and the Primare also offers a streamer for 2500 euro. These are significant things to take into account.

But if we had the liberty to choose without any restrictions on budget: yes… this is just the best choice for someone who can stretch the budget up to 3000 euros for a pure amplifier. Pair it with a nice streamer – so don’t cut back on that! – and you’re in hi-fi heaven.

Winkels met Advance Paris

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Denon

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met NAD

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Breestraat 146-148
2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
St.-Katelijnevest 53
2000 Antwerpen, BE
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Naim

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Hooikade 13
2627 Delft, Zuid Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Laat 29A
1811EB Alkmaar, NL
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Geldropseweg 105
5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
Korte Jansstraat 11
3512GM Utrecht, NL
Sikkel 40 F
3274 KK Heinenoord, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL
Koningsstraat 35
2011TC Haarlem, Noord Holland, NL
Spoorstraat 18
7491 CK Delden, Overijssel, NL
Steenstraat 54
6828 CM Arnhem, Gelderland, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Primare

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Sikkel 40 F
3274 KK Heinenoord, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL
Koningsstraat 35
2011TC Haarlem, Noord Holland, NL
Theresiastraat 151 - 157
2593 AG Den Haag, Noord Holland, NL
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

Winkels met Yamaha

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Pleinweg 136
3083 EP Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL
Hooikade 13
2627 Delft, Zuid Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Schoenmakersstraat 19
6041EX Roermond, NL
Grotestraat 23
5931 CS Tegelen, NL
Parkweg 23
8084GG 't Harde, NL
Stationsweg 87
9471 GM Zuidlaren, NL
St. Ceciliastraat 28
5038 HA Tilburg, NL
Hermesweg 2
3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
2311 JS Leiden, NL
Steenstraat 54
6828 CM Arnhem, Gelderland, NL
St.-Katelijnevest 53
2000 Antwerpen, BE
Beethovenstraat 9-b
1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL