It became an almost inevitable day in Europe these days too: Black Friday. Coming Friday is that time again.
Whether you like it or not, Black Friday has become a worldwide phenomenon. Especially in the western world. This Friday it’ll be party time again. If you are about to purchase hifi, you may find interesting offers. Be careful that the “discount price” does not turn out to be higher than the regular price, of course. Black Friday is also the day for stores to get rid of excess and (or) old stock. Of course, there is nothing wrong if you score a top headphone from last year for half or less of its former value. After all: if it was a top model then, it’s still fine now. But really avoid really old stuff. And maybe avoid “open box” appliances as a tempting offer too. Unless you really have a tight budget or are willing to take a risk. Finally, be sure to pay attention to warranty and return conditions.
Cyber Monday
Since many years, Following Black Friday, there is also the subsequent Cyber Monday. An initiative of online stores, with the same approach: discount day. So on Monday the 27th you can take another shot at bargains.