If you are still running a somewhat older NAS from Synology, it is important to quickly download the DSM operating system and various related software packages intended for it.
Many NAS owners give little thought to software updates and longevity. After all, it is a typical set-and-forget device that you hardly look after otherwise. However, a future problem is looming for some Synology users. The NAS manufacturer announced that it is taking most of the older versions of DSM (the OS of their NASes) offline. This according to them due to rights issues. If you have a NAS running DSM 6.2.3 or lower, DSM will disappear from the site. That will happen on May 31, at the end of this month.
Grab what you can
Trouble is, if something goes wrong with both harddisks (or a single one in the case of a single-disk NAS), your device is unrecoverable because DSM is missing. So the key is to quickly download the latest DSM version for your old beast to avoid a headache scenario. Also note a list of related software packages that will be taken offline, so it’s best to grab them right away too for practical reasons. We actually recommend doing this for any Synology NAS still running on DSM version 6.2x. Anyway, we are talking about the following packages: