Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Home Review CEC TL2N transport and CEC DA SL Superlink dac

Review CEC TL2N transport and CEC DA SL Superlink dac



  • Synergy
  • Experience
  • Resolution
  • Calmness
  • Resolution


  • Short BNC cables
  • Sober appearance
  • Standard remote control

Price: € 12490

Build quality

Set-up and installation


We get the transport and the dac from Peter Neirinck of AudioPerfect who recently included the transport in his range after a comparative test with another reputable transport. After the dac was added, however, the format of the review changed. The synergy between the two components is such that the listening test was conducted as a duo. More so, we recommend purchasing both units although the transport also sounded great on the Sonnet Morpheus.

But the TL2N, in our opinion, really belongs with the DA SL just as the TL0 3.0 transport (29995 euros) belongs with the DA0 3.0 d/a converter (29995 euros). Ouch!

The TL2N and DA SL are the “affordable” versions of these “cost no object” devices and have virtually the same technology on board. For the test we connected both devices via the supplied Superlink BNC cables in combination with the ‘Pulse Filter’. The only disadvantage is that the BNC cables are rather short. No problem in a rack but if you put them side by side they have to be quite close together.

The test system



  • Ricable Magnus (analog, digital, power)
  • Ricable Invictus (speaker)
  • Driade Flow (speaker)
  • Custom ethernet cable
  • Superlink cables (BNC for I2S connections)

Software: Roon on an Intel Nuc

Type test

Winkels met CEC

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE
Koningsstraat 35
2011TC Haarlem, Noord Holland, NL