The Test Setup
The test setup
- TAD Evolution 2 loudspeakers
- Pass Labs X150.8
- Grimm TPM cabling
- Van den Hul CNT interlink
- Van den Hul The Nova speaker cable
- Isotek Titan (Power amp)
- Alpha Audio PC with Jcat XE-cards
- Mutec MC3+ with Mutec REF10 SE120
- AAI pucks under the Mutec
- Yeti Reference filter
- YETI Power cables
I posted it on your FB page, but will post here as well 🙂
Thank you for the review 🙏 There is an upgraded version of the USB Card coming in June – USB XE EVO – which will accept the Master OCXO Clock via SMA connector. There are other improvements too (to be disclosed when the card becomes available). One small comment on the Master OCXO Clock review: the product can be ordered at a custom frequency (e.g 10MHz). We inform about it on our website. Again, thank you for taking the time to review our product
Regarding the question from Gordon: the chipset that’s used on the card requires 20MHz. There is no PLL on the USB Card XE.
Best regards,
Thanks for the addition Marcin! Sma is a lot more convenient!
The really big question here is why 20Mhz? I have designed 100’s of USB products and they pretty much all fall in the 12Mhz or 24Mhz (early ones 6Mhz). Using a PLL on 20Mhz to align with the required frequency for a USB card would not be hard. All theory aside the idea that the out going frequency of a PLL inherits the jitter of the main clock is never a reality.
I say the same thing to all these companies using 10Mhz clocks in audio. Really??? There are probably some real nice oscillators out there at 24Mhz that could be divided down to 12Mhz if required that would do a real nice job if used with a low noise power supply and good lay out techniques.
Yeah… I was wondering about the 20 MHz as well. But I don’t know enough about the used frequencies to say anything usefull about that.
10 MHz in audio is odd indeed. Maybe I will write a story about that.