Sunday, March 2, 2025
Home Multitest plug in filters – ten plug in filters – measurements and blind test

Multitest plug in filters – ten plug in filters – measurements and blind test



Do those ‘plug-in’ filters really do anything? That is the question we want to answer in this big test of ten ‘filters’. You know them; those plug-in plugs…. plug and play ‘junk cleaners’…. Right? We have samples from Furutech, Ansuz, Akiko, Kemp, Isotek, IFI and NordOst. A fine cross-section of the market, we think. And we have several variations as well. We have measured and listened blind(!). In short: a complete story with – we promise – a surprising result!

Let’s start by noting that these are extremely complex tests if you want to do them correctly. Ãœberhaupt, testing hi-fi equipment is far from easy; there are countless variables. Always. But power conditioning – in this case filters – is even more complex we have concluded.

There are many reasons for that. First of all, filters are load-dependent. Simply explained, the degree of filtering depends on the load on the filter. This is evident in the measurements below where we simply adjusted the impedance. That makes it so that a filter can sound different in different setups and with different devices. And so it does, in our experience. The effect of the Isotek Titan is different on the Pass Labs than on the Bryston, for example.

A second element that turns out to be particularly complex with filters is the measurement side. What should we measure? How do we quantify quality? What ís quality in filters? Is more filtering better? What kind of filter slope is correct? Honestly: we don’t know (yet). We can only show that a filter ís doing something in a certain bandwidth. We were only able to measure a few elements in this test: the – possible – filter slope, the degree of filtering with white noise and the degree of filtering in a ‘real’ situation. So with noise from the mains. But that is only the beginning, because there are many other elements that play a role. Consider the influence of other devices, the speed of the filter (impulse behavior) and any output impedance. But we’ll certainly get to all that in a sequel.

By the way, measuring the effect on real noise on the mains is quite difficult, because the noise patterns are not stationary. So not every measurement is exactly the same. We try by means to compensate for this somewhat, but know that.

For the “synthetic” tests – i.e. a sweep or white noise – we loaded with 50 Ohms if necessary. We have both a variable resistor and a dummy load. Both are compensated by first normalizing on the Spectrum Analyzer. Then the baseline is straight and we can then measure the filters. Between each round we normalize again. We also make sure that the measuring equipment is warmed up for 30 minutes. Both the analyzer and the LCR meter are (very) sensitive to this, we have noticed.

We measure within a bandwidth of 0 – 96 kHz on the Prism dScope, 10,000 Hz – 1 MHz and 10,000 Hz – 35 MHz on the Spectrum Analyzer. This is to determine what the filter does over a wider bandwidth. It is quite interesting to see to what band the filter throws the ‘crap’. After all, it has to go somewhere. That can be seen in the measurements.

To do the measurements, we soldered a socket between the measurement cables. To properly load (terminate) the filters, we connected a 50 Ohm load via a T-piece. This was definitely visible in the measurements. The filtering shifts per load. Just look at the measurements below.

Filter response on different load

You can clearly see that the degree of filtering shifts per load.

Measurement setup

We use practically all equipment in this test. We try to map the characteristics of the filters with the LCR meter (capacitance, inductance, resistance) and map the degree of filtering and effectiveness with the Rigol Spectrum Analyzer and Prism dScope. While the Prism cannot measure a very broad frequency-band; it can measure much more accurately in the audio range. And that is certainly interesting. In addition, the Prism allows us to overlay graphs more nicely. The Rigol can only superimpose 3 traces. That is not enough in this test; we have ten filters (we auditioned nine of them; the Old Kemp is not interesting in that sense).

Not measurable

You will see in this test that some products show nothing. The question is: do they do anything in practice? We’re going to find that out in the listening tests. That was done blind on Sept. 17, 2022. You can read the findings for each product. In it we also have the measurements with explanations. Please know that some plugin filters have an active system that may operate at 110 / 230 volts. In our setup, we operate at 10 volts or less for some measurements to measure the filter characteristics and not blow up our equipment.

The test system

The test was done – live and blind – in Alpha Audio’s listening room. The system consists of:

The Filters were tested on the Sonnet Pasithea. All (brief) descriptions you read are relative to the baseline which consists of no filter in the socket to which the Sonnet Pasithea is connected. In short: it is about the (subtle) differences between nothing and the device under test (DUT).

Type test
Tested price class
Price cheapest product: €99
Price most expensive product: €995
  • Brand and model: Akiko Tuning Stick
  • Build quality: Good, solid
  • Overall impression: Subtile difference, extra 'richness?'
  • Price: €109
  • Brand and model: Ansuz Sparkz EU
  • Build quality: Pretty, carbon, chic
  • Overall impression: No audible difference
  • Price: €399
  • Brand and model: Ansuz Sparkz TC2
  • Build quality: Pretty, carbon, chic
  • Overall impression: More warmth
  • Price: €995
  • Brand and model: IFI AC Purifier
  • Build quality: Simple, decent
  • Overall impression: Restless, glazy, bit harsh
  • Price: €129
  • Brand and model: Isotek Isoplug EVO3
  • Build quality: Simple
  • Overall impression: Slightly more calm, big stereo image, smooth
  • Price: €99
  • Brand and model: Kemp SNS (New)
  • Build quality: Simple, but decent
  • Overall impression: More calm, tight focus, tick dry
  • Price: €125
  • Brand and model: NordOst QK1
  • Build quality: Pretty, carbon, chic
  • Overall impression: Very fluid, nice balance, calmness.
  • Price: €275
  • Brand and model: NordOst QV2
  • Build quality: Pretty, carbon, chic
  • Overall impression: Small image, bit flat, rhythmic though
  • Price: €399
  • Brand and model: Furutech NCF Clearline
  • Build quality: Pretty, carbon, chic
  • Overall impression: No audible difference
  • Price: €279
  • Measurements
    All filters
    All filters
    Filterslope - NordOst QRT QV2
    Filterslope - NordOst QRT QV2
    NordOst QRT QK1
    NordOst QRT QK1
    Kemp SNS plug
    Kemp SNS plug
    Isotek Isoplug EVO3
    Isotek Isoplug EVO3
    IFI AC Purifier
    IFI AC Purifier
    Furutech NCF Clearline - Filter slope
    Furutech NCF Clearline - Filter slope
    Ansuz Sparkz TC2
    Ansuz Sparkz TC2
    Ansuz Sparkz EU
    Ansuz Sparkz EU
    Akiko Tuning Stick
    Akiko Tuning Stick

    Winkels met Furutech

    Hennesweg 20
    6035 AD Ospel, NL
    Rietlaan 4
    3851 PA Ermelo, NL

    Winkels met IFI

    Grotestraat 23
    5931 CS Tegelen, NL
    St. Ceciliastraat 28
    5038 HA Tilburg, NL
    Geldropseweg 105
    5611 SE Eindhoven, NL
    Breestraat 146-148
    2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
    Beethovenstraat 9-b
    1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL

    Winkels met Isotek

    Schoenmakersstraat 19
    6041EX Roermond, NL
    Grotestraat 23
    5931 CS Tegelen, NL
    St. Ceciliastraat 28
    5038 HA Tilburg, NL
    Breestraat 146-148
    2311CX Leiden, Zuid Holland, NL
    Hermesweg 2
    3741 GP Baarn, Utrecht, NL
    Korevaarstraat 2 e-f
    2311 JS Leiden, NL
    Beethovenstraat 9-b
    1077 HL Amsterdam, Noord Holland, NL


    1. These filters are often marketed as being used in a wall AC mains socket adjacent/next to another mains socket into which a power conditioner plugged (ie both AC mains sockets next to each other /side by side are on the same mains circuit).

      This is different to your test set up. So my question is…..(given the way these filters are marketed/manufacturer’s recommended use)…. can a power conditioner actually benefit from having a plug in filter along side it on the same AC mains circuit?

      I think your test answered the question of the differences between using a power condition (the Aquarius) and a plug in filter….but not the impact of using both together in parallel.

      Great stuff as usual in your testing/reviews. Unlike other youtube channels, which shall remain nameless…no egos, no hidden agenda, no human insecurities that require reductionist scientific measurements/calculations to explain the unexplainable (ie you are comfortable within yourselves and have the wisdom to accept what cannot be explained)…your passion is genuine and all purely in service of the music/hobby. Because of your holistic and much more balance and fluidly intelligent approach, i have stopped watching these other channels. Keep up the great work. (Btw a quote which i love and is very apt….”the mind (and by extension one’s ears) is/are like a parachute. They only work when they are open.”😉🙈

      • Thanks Alexander! Appreciate your feedback!

        If you have a decent conditioner, I cannot imagine a parallel filter has much impact. The Aquarius for example already has parallel filters build in. You can use them together, but I never heard a significant difference. I would rather buy a decent power cord. :-).

      • Hello Alexander. Thank you for your kind words. Good to read that our intentions in how to test come across.

        Parallel filters are often recommended to plug into the wall socket next to a power strip, which is logical. It very much depends on the power conditioner used if this is a wise idea. A lot of conditioners filter, which means that you are stacking filters. As with anything in electrical connections and HiFi, stacking stuff can have an effect which a particular listener very much enjoys, but it is a bit of a hit or miss. Or a very dangerous HiFi rabbit hole where hobbyist really get lost and are getting further and further from what they are looking for.

        • Thanks Martijn. Yes you are right in terms of marketing being more about being placed in paralell with power strips. Also very wise words about hit/miss &/or rabbit holes….both of which proven to be expensive for me in the past… so always nice to be reminded! Thank you😀
